5 Secrets to a Successful Winter Family Photo Session

Have you put off booking a family photo session because the weather has taken a cold turn? There’s no need to let a cold snap put a damper on capturing your family as they are right now. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a fun winter family photography session without runny noses and popsicle fingers.

Winter Family Photography Session in Auckland, New Zealand

Dress for the weather

Seems like a no-brainer right? And yet a surprising number of people don’t think this one through when it comes to dressing for photos.

The Norwegians have a saying about the cold - “there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing” - and I whole heartedly agree with this sentiment.

So while you may have just bought a super cute dress for your little girl, unless its paired with tights and some knit layers her main accessories are going to be a runny nose and blue fingers.

I can tell you from experience that cold kids are not happy kids - this is the fastest way to tank a session.

Always make sure everyone has plenty of layers (that they can remove if they warm up). Start with a merino singlet for everyone, and end with warm outer layers (think cute hats/beenies, boots, tights, knits) that you love the look of.

All these extra layers can be tricky to co-ordinate, so I recommend giving yourself a little more time to find, borrow or shop for outerwear that you love the look of. Remember you’re aiming for co-ordinated, not matchy-matchy.

Luckily beautiful knit wear, scarves, snuggly blankets and tights all photograph really well and provide welcoming cozy texture in your images. Here are some of my favourite places to shop for warm weather clothes for the kids & babies:

Jamie Kay

Country Road kids

Ziggy Lou

Kmart kids

Don’t forget to pack a change of clothes for each child too, just in case someone gets a bit enthusiastic near the sea or wet grass (I’m looking at you curious and slightly wobbly toddler).

And if windswept swirling locks aren’t for you, then keep some hair ties in your pocket (not on your wrist - it will annoy you when you look back on your photos).

Grab more inspiration from my Pinterest Board.

Lifestyle Family Photography in Auckland, New Zealand

Bring a blanket

I recommend a blanket, big scarf or throw rug for outdoor sessions all year round. It provides variety for sessions at the beach or in a park because you can play under it, sit on it, or wrap yourself up in it!

Look for a small blanket that won’t be too cumbersome to carry around while we shoot, in a colour that compliments your outfits. A neutral throw with nice soft texture is relatively easy to find affordably. If you want something special that can live in the kids rooms after the shoot is done then I recommend Ziggy Lou & Heirloom Baby for beautiful cot blankets.

Winter Golden Hour Family Session at St Heliers in Auckland

Enjoy sunset before bedtime!

Nothing beats “golden hour” for outdoor photos. It’s that 60 minutes just prior to sunset when shadows are long and the light is warm and flattering. But during an Auckland summer the sunset can be as late as 8.40pm.

Winter and late Autumn sessions are great because sunset is a much more family friendly 5 or 6pm. So it’s easier to get the little ones out and about

If you want to read more about how the time of day affects the look of your photos, check out this post here that explains why golden hour rules supreme.

Winter Family Photo Session at Cornwall Park in Auckland

Embrace embraces or get ready to move!

Get ready to snuggle peeps! There’s a couple of ways to keep warm at a winter session: run & play (love it), wrap up in a blanket (also love it), cuddle someone you care about (love it the best).

All of these things make for cute, connected, authentic glimpses of family love and laughter. So let the cold weather guide you! I’ll make sure there’s plenty of warm up play time included in the session and as little ones get tired we’ll rely on that blanket or a warm embrace to keep them cozy.

In-home newborn photography in Auckland with Aimee Glucina

Know your family. If in doubt - book an in-home session!

Look, if I’m perfectly honest in-home sessions are my favourites. Later I’ll be writing a whole post just on this topic, but here are the top 3 reasons why:

  1. You don’t have to worry about the weather! You can always get warm and dry inside.

  2. You can incorporate the things, treasures, places and spaces in the house that are the most meaningful to your family. And if the weather clears up - that could include your garden too.

  3. I shoot in-home sessions in the morning, a time when kids and babies are almost universally at their best.

It pays to really think about your family and know their limitations. Will everyone feel more comfortable and relaxed out of the wind? If so, then I promise there’s just as much magic to be found in the comfort of your home as there is against a golden hour backdrop.

Really this last point should be all the impetus you need to stop delaying and book a family session now. Don’t wait for better weather (and the late sunsets that come with it). Celebrate the chapter that your family is in right now.

5 tips for a winter family photo session outdoors in Auckland

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